Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia da Informação

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The ITI (Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia da Informação) is the highest Brazilian IT authority, comparable to the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in Germany.

Your main tasks are to set up and operate a centralized digital signature management system ( PKI ) and to implement free software at government level.

As Autoridade Certificadora Raiz (Portuguese: Authorized issuer of certificates of the highest level ), the ITI complies with the law passed on October 21, 2004 on the introduction of a state authority for digital signatures. He is subordinate to other accredited institutions, currently there are seven companies and authorities, which in turn then serve as certification bodies for the third level, the employees and end customers. The aim is to set up ICP-Brasil (Infraestrutura de Chaves Públicas - port. Infrastructure of public keys ) to secure digital communication.

In the field of free software there has been a law passed by President Lula since October 29, 2003 on the migration of all government agencies to systems whose source code is at least open, but better still can be distributed in modified form. This step is intended to both reduce costs and boost the domestic software economy. The operation of the state portal on the subject, the migration of broadcast streaming from parliament and the establishment of an advanced registration authority for domain names that can also be used by other states have already been implemented. A special department is responsible for internet-specific tasks.

Furthermore, the introduction of the PC Conectado is being prepared by the ITI. This major project aims to give one million low-income people access to the information society. This process, also known as digital integration , is supported by other projects, some of which are supported by the ITI, such as the urban telecentros , the "Casas Brasil" project.

Acting ITI President (since 2005) is Renato Martini .

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