Intensive socio-educational individual support

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The intensive socio-educational individual care (also short ISE , INSPE or Flex ) is a form of help for young people according to § 35 of the Child and Youth Welfare Act ( SGB VIII). As a rule, this offer is aimed at young people who cannot be reached by other youth welfare services .

The intensive socio-educational individual care usually only deals with one young person, whereby the specific form of the help offer is much less specified compared to other care offers (such as home education ). The design of the care is the result of the assistance plan procedure . The qualification of the implementer should be a degree in social pedagogy or a corresponding other recognized degree.

As a rule, the young people who are cared for with this offer have already experienced other forms of youth welfare - but could not be adequately cared for in these. These include, for example, street children , psychiatric victims , prostitutes and other outsiders . The help can take place on the go (on the street or in the respective shelters) or completely outside the living environment of the young people (e.g. abroad, on ships, etc.). The aim of the support is to develop perspectives for the future with the young person. This can also include renting an apartment at a suitable time and offering help similar to "supervised individual living".

The scope of the help should not be less than twelve hours a week, otherwise the aspect of intensity is not granted. With the clientele, who are often damaged in their relationships, a high number of contacts is usually necessary in order to establish a relationship as the basis for care. In view of the poor budget situation in many municipalities, however, this number of hours is often undermined and the “intensive socio-educational individual care” with few contact hours is misused as a cost-effective substitute for other care offers.

Associated with the help is the standard allowance for the livelihood of the young person according to Section 39 of Book VIII of the Social Code. In addition, the assumption of other costs such as rent for care in an apartment or travel costs for experiential education can be added. In view of the intensive work, case supervision should also be granted for such an offer .