Inter mirifica

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Inter mirifica (IM) is, after its opening words , the decree on the means of social communication formulated by the Second Vatican Council and approved on December 4, 1963 by Pope Paul VI. was promulgated .

The decree deals with modern means of communication and advocates freedom of the press , but also for the protection of minors . Catholics are encouraged to deal constructively with the new media and to develop and impart media competence (e.g. to children). Furthermore, it encourages people to contribute their opinions to the social discourse on the one hand in order to make Christian views perceptible in public space via the media, and on the other hand to found or promote a specifically Catholic press (e.g. church newspapers ) .

The decree is considered "in reception as one of the weakest, because clearly pre-conciliar council documents." It goes "behind the recognition of the right to freedom of expression expressed by Pius XII ", judged the church historian Bock.

Individual evidence

  1. Florian Bock, Catholic Church and Media - Missed Opportunities, New Challenges, in: C. Bultmann / A. Linkenbach (Ed.), Translate Religions. Clichés and prejudices in the religious discourse (lectures of the Interdisciplinary Forum Religion of the University of Erfurt, vol. 11). Münster 2015. p. 81.
  2. Ibid.


  • Otto B. Roegele , The Council Decree on the Tools of Social Communication , in: Publizistik 9 (1964) 305-347.

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