International Journal of Turkish Studies

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International Journal of Turkish Studies (IJTS)

First edition 1979
Frequency of publication half-yearly
ISSN (print)

The International Journal of Turkish Studies (IJTS) is a biannual scientific journal published since 1979 at the Center for Turkish Studies of the University of Wisconsin – Madison , which is devoted to the areas of social, economic, culture, demographics and politics within Turkish studies . The historical and geographical focus deals with the Ottoman Empire , Turkey and other Turkic states . The journal is peer reviewed and financially supported by the Institute of Turkish Studies in Washington, DC. The editor is the emeritus historian Kemal H. Karpat of Turkish origin . The international editorial board includes the scientists Fikret Adanır , Virginia H. Aksan , François Georgeon , Metin Heper , Resat Kesaba , Oktay Özel , Azade-Ayse Rorlich , Şevket Pamuk , A. Üner Turgay and Erik Zürcher .

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