International Kendo Federation

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Logo of the FIK

The International Kendo Federation (FIK; formerly IKF; Japanese 国際 剣 道 連 盟 , Kokusai Kendō Renmei ) is the world association of Kendō . Its headquarters are in the building of the All-Japanese Kendō Association in Minato-ku , Tokyo .


The FIK was founded in 1970 by 17 national and regional associations in order to create a connection between the Japanese associations with a large number of members and the young international associations. In the meantime, 47 associations have come together under its umbrella (including the German Kendo Federation, the Austrian Kendo Association and the Swiss Kendo and Iaido section of the SJV as national associations in the German-speaking area and the European Kendō Federation as a regional association). She has been a member of the General Association of International Sports Federations since 2006 . The abbreviation used until then was abandoned in favor of the now valid abbreviation because the letters IKF were already in use.


Naturally, the focus of the FIK is on the exchange and support of the member associations. The organization of the Kendo World Championships and related tasks such as referee training and the development of uniform rules and standards are also part of the activities of the FIK. In addition to the kendō itself, she also promotes Iaidō and Jōdō according to her task .

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