International Medical Informatics Association

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The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) is an international scientific organization promoting medical informatics and bioinformatics . It emerged in 1989 from Technical Committee 4 of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), which had existed since 1967. The headquarters of IMIA are in Geneva .

goals and tasks

The IMIA has the following goals:

  • Promotion of informatics in health care and research in the field of medical informatics and bioinformatics
  • Promotion of international cooperation in this area
  • Promotion of research, development and application
  • Transferring the theory of computer science into application in all areas of health care
  • Dissemination of knowledge, information and technology
  • Promote education and responsible behavior
  • Representation of medical informatics in the World Health Organization and other international organizations.


IMIA comprises member societies from their member countries as well as institutional members (institutional members such as universities, research institutions or companies), affiliated members (especially international organizations) and honorary members. Only one society from each member country can become a member of the IMIA. Examples of member societies are the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometrics and Epidemiology (gmds) for Germany, the Swiss Society for Medical Informatics in Switzerland and the Medical Informatics Working Group of the Austrian Computer Society and the Austrian Society for Biomedical Technology for Austria. The member companies of the IMIA are organized in regions. For Europe this is e.g. B. the European Federation for Medical Informatics . Personal membership of individuals is not possible in IMIA itself, but only in the national member societies.


IMIA organizes the World Congress of Medical and Health Informatics (Medinfo). This took place every three years until 2013. It has been organized every two years since 2013. The IMIA also organizes a number of working groups and special interest groups. Since 2011, IMIA has also been offering accreditation for medical informatics courses.

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