International Church Journal

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International Church Journal

description Scientific journal for Old Catholic and ecumenical theology
Area of ​​Expertise theology
language German
publishing company Stämpfli ( Switzerland )
First edition 1893
Frequency of publication quarterly
Editor-in-chief Angela Berlis
Web link Website of the International Church Journal

The International Church Journal (IKZ) is an academic-theological specialist journal and scientific publication organ of Old Catholic theology. It has been published by Stämpfli in Bern since 1893, initially under the name Revue Internationale de Théologie , and since 1911 under the current title .


The magazine was created on the basis of a recommendation of the second International Old Catholic Congress in Lucerne in 1892. The first editor-in-chief was Eugène Michaud , professor at the (Christian) Catholic theological faculty of the University of Bern . The magazine was and is always associated with the faculty, which is now the Institute for Christian Catholic Theology.

Theological orientation

The Internationals Kirchliche Zeitschrift is shaped by the theology of the Old Catholic Churches, but also from the outset by their focus on ecumenical efforts to restore the unity of the churches. Their denominational character is expressed through theological specialist contributions by Old Catholic theologians, through the documentation of the resolutions of the International Bishops' Conference of the Union of Utrecht , through the reports and documentation of the International Old Catholic Congresses and the International Old Catholic Theological Conferences. The regular ecclesiastical chronicle also includes essential resolutions of the individual Old Catholic local churches .

The IKZ also regularly publishes articles by other denominational theologians , especially Anglican and Orthodox theologians. It publishes the results of the ecumenical dialogues in which the Old Catholic Churches are involved, and takes up ecumenical topics that are relevant to Old Catholic theology. In the early years of the ecumenical movement, she also documented its conferences - a task that is now carried out by specialized journals such as the Ökumenische Rundschau .

A sub-series has been published since 2014, the IKZ-bios. The abbreviation 'bios' stands for "Bern Interreligious Oecumenical Studies". The magazine sees itself as a forum for current studies and discussions at the interface between ecumenical and interreligious discourses.

Frequency of publication

The IKZ usually appears four times a year in issues of 64 to 80 pages. Occasionally issues with a main topic appear with a correspondingly larger scope, partly in the form of double issues, partly as supplements.

Web links