International Cantus MM Music & Culture Festival

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The International CANTUS MM Music & Culture Festival is a festival for choirs, orchestras, music and folklore groups in the city of Salzburg in Austria .


The first festival took place in 1999; Since then it has been held annually on 4 days in June / July.


The festival is organized by Chorus MM, an independent, non-profit association founded in 1998.

The Chorus MM association promotes the exchange and connection of cultures in the secular and sacred areas. To impart basic musical knowledge, to develop useful musical skills, to promote musical talent and to improve musical habits are declared goals of Chorus MM. To inspire the youth for the beauty of music, to awaken the sense of a social community and the generations in Combining singing and conversation is the original idea behind the foundation of the Chorus MM association.

Benefit projects

The fact that cultural enjoyment and solidarity go “hand in hand” at the International Cantus MM Music & Culture Festival is particularly enriching. Since 2001, the net proceeds of all events of the festival have been used for charity purposes, mostly with reference to Salzburg.

For example: Project Rainbow of the Salzburg Children's Cancer Aid , Butterfly Children Salzburg, Sonneninsel Seekirchen, aktion leben salzburg, / Against Poverty in Salzburg, JoJo childhood in the shade.

Festival locations

Artistic Director

Jan Steffen Bechtold , born 1972 in Worms / Germany, is the artistic director of the International Cantus MM Music & Culture Festival.

Web links