International Institute for Socio-Informatics

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The International Institute for Socio-Informatics (IISI) was founded in Bonn in 2000 and is dedicated to researching the applications of informatics in social systems. A group of interdisciplinary scientists is researching questions from the border area between computer science, sociology , psychology , education and economics . The work of the IISI ties in with long-term research collaborations between ProSEC, the software ergonomics project area and CSCW at the University of Bonn and various research groups at the GMD, Research Center for Information Technology. The IISI is a free research institution sponsored by the non-profit organization The Group eV

The institute focuses on the following topics:

The experts working for the institute have extensive experience in the areas of CSCL ( Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning ), PD ( Participatory Design ) and HCI ( Human Computer Interaction ).

User-oriented and sustainable technology design is at the center of research at IISI, in which social, organizational and technical developments are examined in their interaction. The following questions outline the research area thematically:

  • How can technological innovations be made usable in media applications?
  • What challenges arise from social and organizational developments for the design of new media ?
  • What effects and consequences do new media have for society, organizations and individuals?
  • How do (information) technical systems change our lives (learning, working, consuming, playing etc.)?
  • How can the interaction of social and technical networks be theoretically understood and designed?

The scientists carry out research and development projects together with companies as well as non-profit organizations (NPO) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). For this purpose, an established network with partners from research and industry can be used. Research and consulting activities include, for example:

  • Integrated organizational and technical development
  • Evaluation and accompanying research
  • Project development and planning
  • Usability studies and media design
  • Support of virtual organizational structures
  • Communities of Practice

The work of the IISI is supported by an international advisory board.

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Individual evidence