Interpolation search

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The interpolation search , also called interval search is one of the binary search derived search method that on lists and fields is used.

While the binary search algorithm always checks the middle element of the search space, the interpolation search algorithm tries to guess a more favorable division point than the middle in the search space. The way it works is comparable to that of a person looking for a word in a dictionary: the search for cylinder is usually started at the end of the dictionary, while the search for eel should begin at the front.

The algorithm

The interpolation search assumes sorted data. It is best suited for uniformly distributed data. Furthermore, random access to the elements is required. During the interpolation search, the data is divided depending on the key. If this has a high value, the element you are looking for is in the lower part of the data due to the presorting. Accordingly, the division is also carried out in the rear part of the data. With a small key, the field is split accordingly in the front part.

The division position can be calculated for all data by first dividing the number of all elements by the number of different elements, and then multiplying by the key you are looking for:

The position of the element searched for is thus interpolated by using the uniform distribution of the data to map the key to the list or field.

It can now be checked whether the key of the dividing element has a greater or lesser value than the key of the element sought. If the keys are identical, the search has already ended. If the dividing element has a smaller value, the right part is examined further, otherwise the left part. The number of elements and the number of different keys are determined for the new area, and then a new division position is interpolated.


A short practical example is intended to illustrate how the interpolation search works. To do this, the value 7 is searched for in the following elements:

2 4th 7th 9 12 21st 26th 31 37

Initially, the left (l) and right (r) boundaries are set on the boundaries of the array. Then the division element is calculated using the following formula:

So this gives for the array (red = search area, blue = x, bold = searched):

2 4th 7th 9 12 21st 26th 31 37

A check is then made to see whether the element found is the one sought. If this is the case, the process can be canceled, otherwise the search area is restricted. If the x is too small - you have to look to the right - the left limit is set to x + 1 and a search is made therein. Otherwise - you have to search left (or the x is too big) - the right limit is set to x − 1 and the search is now made in the left area.

Since the value A [1] = 4 is smaller than the element searched for, the left limit is set to l = x + 1 = 2 . The right limit remains and the following formula results:

The array now looks like this:

2 4th 7th 9 12 21st 26th 31 37

Since A [x] = A [2] = 7 = v , i.e. the element was found, it can be canceled and x returned as the solution after two steps.


An investigation of the interpolation search turns out to be very complex, but the running time ( n is the number of elements) can be assumed in the average case. In the worst case (the interpolated expected position is always at the edge), however, the running time is . The binary quadratic search solves this impairment .

Example implementations

VB.NET 2008

  'Statt einer List(Of Integer) könnte auch IEnumerable(Of Integer), etc. verwendet werden. IEnumerable ermöglicht die Übergabe
  'sowohl von generischen Listen, als auch Arrays
  Public Function InterpolatedSearch(ByVal key As Integer, ByVal array As List(Of Integer)) As Integer
    Dim left As Integer = 0
    Dim right As Integer = array.Count - 1
    Dim diffElem, pos As Integer

    Do While (key >= array(left)) AndAlso (key <= array(right))
      diffElem = array(right) - array(left)
      pos = left + Math.Floor((right - left) * (key - array(left)) / diffElem)
      If key > array(pos) Then
        left = pos + 1
      ElseIf key < array(pos)
        right = pos - 1
        Return pos
      End If
    Return -1
  End Function


  public int interpolierteSuche(int schluessel, int daten[]) {
    int links = 0;                  // linke Teilfeldbegrenzung
    int rechts = daten.length - 1;  // rechte Teilfeldbegrenzung
    int versch;                     // Anzahl verschiedener Elemente
    int pos;                        // aktuelle Teilungsposition

    // solange der Schlüssel im Bereich liegt (andernfalls ist das gesuchte
    // Element nicht vorhanden)
    while( schluessel >= daten[links] && schluessel <= daten[rechts] ){
      // Aktualisierung der Anzahl der verschiedenen Elemente
      versch = daten[rechts] - daten[links];

      // Berechnung der neuen interpolierten Teilungsposition
      pos = links + (int)(((double)rechts - links) * (schluessel - daten[links])
            / versch);

      if( schluessel > daten[pos] )            // rechtes Teilintervall
        links = pos + 1;                       // daten[pos] bereits überprüft
      else if( schluessel < daten[pos] )      // linkes Teilintervall
        rechts = pos - 1;                      // daten[pos] bereits überprüft
      else                                     // Element gefunden
        return pos;                            // Position zurückgeben

    return -1;                                 // Element nicht gefunden


  TIntArray = array of integer;

function interpolierteSuche(schluessel: integer; var daten: TIntArray): integer;
  links, rechts,
  versch, aPos: integer;
  links := 0;
  rechts := high(daten);
  versch := 0;
  aPos := 0;
  while (schluessel >= daten[links]) and (schluessel <= daten[rechts]) do
    versch := daten[rechts] - daten[links];
    aPos := links + round((rechts - links) * (schluessel - daten[links]) / versch);
    if (schluessel > daten[aPos]) then
      links := aPos + 1 else
        if (schluessel < daten[aPos]) then
          rechts := aPos - 1 else
            result := aPos;
  result := - 1;


 * Liefert 1 zurück, wenn X in M gefunden wurde, ansonsten 0.
 * Beim Aufruf wird als 4. Argument eine Variable per Adresse
 * übergeben, in die bei Erfolg die Position von X in M geschrieben wird.
 * @param  const int[]  M      Feld, in dem gesucht werden soll
 * @param  int          n      Groesse des Feldes
 * @param  int          X      der gesuchte Eintrag
 * @param  int *        index  Position des gesuchten Eintrags X in M
 * @return int                 1=gefunden, 0=nicht gefunden
int interpolation_search( const int M[], int n, int X, int *index )
 double  dx, dy;
 double  m;     // Steigung
 double b;    // Y-Achsenabschnitt
 int links  = 0;   // x1
 int rechts = n-1;   // x2
 int pos;    // vermutete Position

 if ( M==NULL || X < M[0] || X > M[n-1] )
  return 0;

 while ( links <= rechts )
  dx = rechts - links;

  if ( dx == 1 )
   if ( M[rechts] == X )
    *index = rechts;
    return 1;
   else if ( M[links] == X )
    *index = links;
    return 1;
   return 0;

  if ( dx == 0 )     // 0 Division vorbeugen
   return 0;

  dy = M[rechts] - M[links];

  if ( dy == 0 )     // keine Steigung
   if ( M[links] == X )
    *index = links;
    return 1;
    return 0;

  m = dy / dx;     // Steigung

  b = (X - M[links]) / m;

  pos = links + b;    // Vermutete Position berechnen

  if ( M[pos] == X )
   *index = pos;
   return 1;
  else if ( M[pos] > X )
   rechts = pos - 1;
   links = pos + 1;
 return 0;

See also


  • Robert Sedgewick: Algorithms in C . Addison-Wesley, Bonn 1992, ISBN 3-89319-376-6 , pp. 239-241.

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