Inter-association for rescue services

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The Inter-Association for Rescue Services IVR-IAS is the Swiss umbrella association of organizations that deal with the preclinical care of emergency patients. The association was founded in 1962 as an association.


Active members include the cantons and corporations under public law as well as legal entities that perform tasks in the rescue sector. Passive members can be companies and natural persons who support the objectives of the IVR. People who have made a special contribution to the IVR or rescue services in Switzerland can be appointed honorary members by the IVR's general assembly.


On January 18, 1962, the inaugural meeting took place in the guild hall of the Enge train station buffet ( Zurich ), chaired by Zurich police officer Albert Benz. The first president was E. Strupler of the swimming association. The IVR secretariat was taken over by the Zurich section of the TCS . Albert Benz (from 1965), Walter Meng (from 1972), Beat Roos (from 1992), Gianmaria Solari (from 2006), Franz Wyss (from 2012) and Roman Wüst (from 2016) acted as other presidents. The managing directors were Urs Krieger (from 1992), Susanne Imbach (from 2002) and after her Martin Gappisch (from 2005). The office moved from Zurich to Aarau in 1972 and was able to move to the House of the Cantons in Bern in 2008. In 2001, the IVR concluded a service agreement with the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Health Directors (GDK), which instructed the IVR to provide services for the cantons. The agreement was revised and renewed on May 23, 2014.

Purpose of the IVR

According to the IVR statutes (dated May 24, 2013), the IVR aims to:

  • As an umbrella organization, the promotion and coordination of the Swiss rescue service along the entire rescue chain in all situations (everyday life as well as special and extraordinary situations)
  • Support of basic, advanced and advanced training of the people involved in the rescue chain, together with other organizations
  • Promotion of quality assurance in the rescue sector
  • Support for preventive measures to avoid emergency situations or to reduce their consequences
  • Platform for reaching a consensus on all issues relating to rescue services
  • As a non-profit association, the IVR is committed to the principles of the international Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

Tasks / services / fields of activity

The association is financially supported by the cantons that are members of the association. In return, the customer is obliged to fulfill a service contract. According to the agreement of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Health Directors (GDK) of December 2001, the IVR has to provide the following services in particular for the cantons:

Emergency services

  • Development and introduction of a system for quality assurance of the emergency services (issuing of guidelines)
  • Implementation of recognition procedures
  • Development and introduction of a uniform deployment protocol

Emergency number 144

  • Development and introduction of a system for quality assurance of the emergency call centers (issuing of guidelines)
  • Implementation of recognition procedures
  • technical management and ensuring compliance with the licensing regulations for the emergency number 144
  • Switzerland-wide contact for the emergency number 144

Education of emergency services personnel

  • Participation in the further development of the vocational training of the personnel of the rescue services and medical emergency call centers
  • Support in creating the conditions for medium-term, sustainable coverage of personnel requirements in the rescue sector


  • Takeover of the function as an information hub
  • Support in the creation of a database of characteristics of the rescue service

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Statutes of the IVR of May 24, 2013
  2. Statutes of the IVR of May 24, 2013
  3. ^ Agreement GDK / IVR of 23 May 2014