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The intravariance (from the Latin intra , “within” and variantia for “difference”) or dispersion ( variance ) within the classes is a measure of how much the objects differ within a class. The lower the intravariance, the more similar the objects are.

The intravariance, together with the intervariance, is of particular importance in the classification , where objects are arranged in classes. There the guideline applies: the lower the intravariance and the higher the intervariance, the easier the classification.

Formal representation

Let be any feature space that includes the classes . There are two ways of specifying the intravariance, depending on whether the mean values or the a priori probabilities and covariance matrices of the classes are (in each case ) known:

If has dimensions, it is a square matrix with rows and columns. Since covariance matrices are always symmetrical, the intravariance is also a symmetrical matrix due to the second form .

Individual evidence

  1. Matthias Michelsburg: Material classification in optical inspection systems using hyperspectral data. , P. 50.