Ioan Joldea

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Ioan Joldea was Prince of Moldova for a short time in September 1562 .

In the army camp of Țuțora near Iași , the Moldovan boyar was elected the new prince after the assassination of Ștefan Rareş on September 8, 1562, with the two nobles Moghila and Sturza in charge. This decision was viewed as a hostile act in Krakow , King Sigismund II August wanted the son of Bogdan III. cel Orb ("the blind one"), Alexandru Lăpușneanu as successor. To substantiate his claims even more, Joldea took the daughter of Petru Rareș , Ruxandra, as his wife. The elected prince set out for the capital, Suceava , to be anointed ruler of Moldavia. On the way there, Lăpuşneanu, his cupbearer Motoc and the noble Seniawiski attacked the unsuspecting Joldea and the boyars devoted to him during a short rest in Șipote in what is now Iaşi County. They mutilated his nose, with which he lost all rights to the title of prince. Joldea found his end as a monk in an Orthodox monastery.


  • Nicolae Iorga: History of the Romanians in the context of their state formation. Gotha 1905, Volume I, p. 390