Irish Transverse Mercator

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ITM map of Ireland.svg

Irish Transverse Mercator is a map projection for Ireland that was launched in 2001 and is set to replace the Irish Grid over time .

The geodetic datum is ETRS89 . A transverse Mercator projection is used as the map projection . Its origin lies at 53 ° 30 ′ N and 8 ° W, i.e. roughly in the middle of the island. A flat Cartesian coordinate system is defined in this origin . In order to avoid negative coordinates as well as confusion with the Irish grid, 600 km are added to all values ​​in east direction ("east value") and 750 km to all values ​​in north direction ("high value"). Coordinates are usually given in meters, so that z. B. the origin mentioned receives the coordinates 600,000 750,000 . (Attention: with transversal Mercator coordinates, first the right value and then the high value is given, while with degrees, the latitude is usually given first and then the longitude.)

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