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The Irne or just Irn was a Tyrolean measure of volume for liquids. Derived from the Latin irnea, hirnea, the term describes a wine jug, a wine vessel. The Irne was slightly larger than the Wiener wine bucket (= 56.589 liters ), the 40 degree had.

  • 1 Irne = 1 bucket = 55 measure (= 1.414724 liters) = 77.809 liters

Another way of writing the measure later was Ueren , Üren, Yhren or Yehren with different values.


  • Johann Huebner, Franz Xaver Sperl: Johann Huebner 's real state newspaper and conversation lexicon. Volume 1, Johann Andreas Kienreich, Grätz 1814, column 270.
  • Matthias Höfer: Etymological dictionary of the dialect used in Upper Germany, but excellent in Austria. Volume 2, Joseph Kastner, Linz 1815, p. 98.