Isabelle Ameganvi

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Isabelle Ameganvi is a Togolese lawyer , civil rights activist , politician and feminist . She was elected to the National Assembly of Togo in the 2007 parliamentary elections as a representative of the Union des Forces de Changement (UFC). Isabelle Ameganvi is the chairwoman of the women's group of the organization Let's Save Togo .

Call for a sex strike in Togo

At a rally on August 25, 2012 in Lomé , she called the women of her country with the words; " Ladies, you should keep the gate to the 'motherland' locked! " Started a seven-day sex strike to prevent incumbent President Faure Gnassingbé from reforming the electoral law to make it easier for Gnassingbé's party to win parliamentary seats in October 2012 elections. The 46-year-old has been in power since 2005. Togo has been ruled by the same family clan for four decades.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Official website of the UFC , accessed August 28, 2012 (fr)
  2. Women want to force resignation with sex strike RP Online, August 26, 2012
  4. ^ With the weapons of women SZ Online from August 28, 2012