Isidor Emanuilowitsch Gukowski

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Isidor Emanuilowitsch Gukowski ( Russian Исидор Эммануилович Гуковский , * 1871 in Saint Petersburg ; † 1921 ) was of Jewish descent. As the Soviet People's Commissar for Finance, he was a member of the Council of People's Commissars .

Gukowski and Joffe jointly negotiated the Treaty of Tartu with Ants Piip on Estonia's independence in February 1920 . After Latvia was recognized in the Peace of Riga , he coordinated the sale of former tsarist gold via Tallinn . Nikolai Nikolayevich Krestinsky succeeded him as Soviet finance minister .

Individual evidence

  1. The Putinization of Estonia: Russian money and influence (PDF; 214 kB), RDC 2007