Isla Zacatillo

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The Isla Zacatillo is an inhabited island in El Salvador , it is about 9 kilometers southeast of the new port Puerto La Unión Centroamericana in the Gulf of Fonseca .

The island belongs administratively to the department of La Unión and has an area of ​​around 4 km². Zacatillo was a prison island in the past and is still nicknamed Alcatraz de El Salvador . Today around 1,800 residents are active in fishing , agriculture , cattle breeding and tourism .

Well-known bathing beach is the Playa de Caguamo . There are three small hotels on the island, a supermarket, a church ( Iglesia Apostoles y Profetas ), a small hospital and a sports field. In 2004 the connecting roads between the four Zacatillo settlements were rebuilt and the drinking water supply was modernized. The Cooperación Española had financed this construction work.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. La Isla Zacatillo con calle y nuevas obras newspaper article El Diario de Hoy (Spanish)

Coordinates: 13 ° 18 ′  N , 87 ° 46 ′  W