Israel (family)

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The Israel family was a Jewish entrepreneurial family in Berlin who came from Pomerania as protective Jews in the 18th century .

Family history

Members of the family had come to Berlin from Schneidemühl in 1741 . Jacob Israel opened a clothing store on Molkenmarkt and was granted citizenship in 1809 . His son Nathan Israel was granted civil rights in 1815. He founded a shop for Silesian linen fabrics at Jüdenstrasse 18, which later became the Nathan Israel department store .

The rise of Nathan Israel and his family exemplifies the emancipation of German Jews as a result of the Jewish edict of 1812 .

Stumbling blocks for Nathan and Wilfrid Israel

family members

  • Jacob Israel (1753-1821)
  • Nathan Israel (1782-1852)
  • Jacob Israel (1823-1894)
  • Moritz Israel (1830–1895)
  • James Israel (1848-1926)
  • Berthold Israel (1868–1935)
  • Wilfrid Israel (1899-1943)
