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The iteron denotes a DNA sequence in some bacterial plasmids to which the initiator of replication Rep binds and influences the replication of the plasmid. The regulation of replication by iterons is a mechanism for limiting the number of plasmid copies, e.g. B. to avoid excessive gene expression of the genes on the plasmid.


An iteron lies within the origin of replication of the plasmid and consists of about five to seven repeats of a sequence of about 22 base pairs . The replication of the plasmid is initiated by the binding of Rep . Furthermore, iterons also control the gene expression of Rep and regulate the frequency of initiation of replication.

Iterons, antisense RNA and ctRNA are bacterial mechanisms for limiting the number of plasmid copies.

Individual evidence

  1. SA Rakowski, M. Filutowicz: Plasmid R6K replication control. In: plasmid. Volume 69, Number 3, May 2013, pp. 231-242, ISSN  1095-9890 . doi : 10.1016 / j.plasmid.2013.02.003 . PMID 23474464 . PMC 3691012 (free full text).
  2. R. Giraldo, ME Fernández-Tresguerres: Twenty years of the pPS10 replicon: insights on the molecular mechanism for the activation of DNA replication in iteron-containing bacterial plasmids. In: plasmid. Volume 52, Number 2, September 2004, pp. 69-83, ISSN  0147-619X . doi : 10.1016 / j.plasmid.2004.06.002 . PMID 15336485 .
  3. DK Chattoraj: Control of plasmid DNA replication by iterons: no longer paradoxical. In: Molecular microbiology. Volume 37, Number 3, August 2000, pp. 467-476, ISSN  0950-382X . PMID 10931340 .