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The Itu'eans were at the latest Shalmaneser III. Part of the Assyrian Army. The Itu'aean associations were subject to their own šaknu or LU.GAL ituʾājī. Postgate considers them to be full-time, professional soldiers . They were assigned to the provincial governors and served as military police or were used to put down minor unrest. Under Tukulti-apil-Ešarra III. they were used against the Phoenicians . They are proven up to the time of Assurhaddon . Some of these soldiers were rewarded with land grants and some were exempt from taxes. The Itu'eans had been since Tukulti-apil-Ešarra III. the main Aramaic unit in the Assyrian army. On contemporary reliefs they are depicted as archers in Aramaic costume.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ JN Postgate: The Assyrian army in Zamua . In: Iraq Vol. 62, 2000, pp. 89-108.


  • JN Postgate: Itu . In: DO Edzard u. a. (Ed.): Reallexikon der Assyriologie Vol. 5 . de Gruyter Verlag, Berlin 1980, p. 221f.
  • Stephanie Dalley, Foreign Chariotry and Cavalry in the Armies of Tiglath-Pileser III and Sargon II. Iraq 47, 1985, 31-48.