Józef Grześkowiak

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Józef Grześkowiak (born February 8, 1915 in Działyń / Poland ; † April 28, 1942 in Melle , Lower Saxony) was a Polish farm worker.

Grześkowiak was during World War II as forced laborers recruited to work as farm laborers. On April 28, 1942, he was accused of “ racial disgrace ” in Riemsloh , sentenced to death and executed.

On April 28, 2013, a memorial stone was inaugurated in Melle-Riemsloh on the 71st anniversary of Joseph Grzeskowiak's death. This bears the inscription “In memory of Joseph Grzeskowiak, born February 8th, 1915 in Dzialzyn / Poland, cruelly executed on April 28th, 1942 in a wooded area on Westhoyeler Straße by the National Socialists and their supporters. Against forgetting the countless crimes and murders of the National Socialist regime in Germany from 1933 to 1945 ”.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Commemoration in Riemsloh: Polish forced laborer murdered 71 years ago on April 28, 2013 in Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, April 28, 2013
  2. Memorial stone commemorates the Nazi victim Joseph Grzeskowiak in Melle Info, April 29, 2013