József Bara

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József "Józsi" Bara (* 1966 ; † April 8, 2013 in Izsák ) was a Romanian painter . He was beaten to death when questioned by Hungarian police in 2013. His case sparked great reactions in Hungary .


József Bara came from the north-western Romanian town of Satu Mare and lived in the village of Orgovány south of Budapest for several years until his death . He earned his living doing handicrafts of all kinds and was a trained painter.


An acquaintance in the village had accused Bara of selling a chainsaw that he said he had given him for repair, which Bara denied. Two police officers arrested Bara around 5:30 p.m. When the two policemen visited Bara - as his partner Andrea Szélhegyi reported - they were immediately violent, brutally thrown him to the ground and handcuffed him. They took Bara to the nearest police station for questioning.

At around 9 p.m., the police reported that the suspect had collapsed and died during interrogation.

After identification, an acquaintance of the dead man said he looked "beaten to a pulp".


The two police officers in charge were arrested and sentenced to prison terms.


The Hungarian public was appalled and outraged by the incident. The daily newspaper " Népszava " spoke of "one of the darkest chapters in Hungarian police history".

In a statement, the Hungarian Foreign Ministry demanded that those responsible be severely punished and also demanded that Romanian authorities be kept informed of the status of the investigation. At this point in time, the EU Commission was examining Hungary's constitutional amendment and Hungarian foreign policy was under pressure.

President Viktor Orbán visited Bara's tomb after the funeral.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Refworld | 2014 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Hungary . In: Refworld . ( refworld.org [accessed January 24, 2017]).
  2. Prügeltod at the village station. In: SPIEGEL online. Retrieved January 24, 2017 .
  3. http://www.borsonline.hu/aktualis/bara-jozsef-bantalmazoja-most-is-igy-tennek/73482
  4. HVG Kiadó Zrt .: Vádat emeltek Bara József agyonverése ügyében a rendőrök ellen . In: hvg.hu . October 1, 2013 ( hvg.hu [accessed January 24, 2017]).
  5. Orbán biztonságiak nélkül ment Bara József sírjához . In: Blikk.hu . November 4, 2015 ( blikk.hu [accessed January 24, 2017]).