Jewish cemetery (Hilten)

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The Hilten Jewish Cemetery is located in the Hilten district of the Lower Saxon town of Neuenhaus in the Grafschaft Bentheim district .

The Jewish cemetery , used by all Jews in the Lower Counties, was established as early as the 17th century. The oldest known burial took place in 1769. In 1822, a fencing of the site was applied for and approved.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Uwe Hager: Veldhausen / Neuenhaus (Veldhausen today part of Neuenhaus). In: Herbert Obenaus (Ed. In collaboration with David Bankier and Daniel Fraenkel): Historical manual of the Jewish communities in Lower Saxony and Bremen . Wallstein, Göttingen 2005, ISBN 3-89244-753-5 , pp. 1511–1518 (therein p. 1515: the Jewish cemetery in Hilten).