Jürgen Sager

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Jürgen Sager (born March 18, 1777 in Bremen ; † April 13, 1854 in Vegesack ) was a Bremen ship captain, shipbuilder and shipyard owner.


The shipyard of Johann Jantzen (1738–1802) was the first sea shipyard in Vegesack , only a few hundred meters from the Vegesack harbor , which had existed since 1623 . After Johann Jantzen's death, his brother Peter Jantzen (1745–1813) took over the shipyard in 1802, which in 1810 delivered its last ship. After that there was no demand for large new ships for several years due to the continental barrier and the French era .

After Peter Jantzen's death in 1814, his widow Almata (1790–1820) b. Tecklenborg gave the shipyard to their son-in-law Jürgen Sager, who had been married to their daughter Lucia (or Lucke , 1784–1811) since 1803 . Since he had not learned the craft of shipbuilding as a ship's captain, he and his brother-in-law, the shipbuilder Gerhard Jantzen (1778–1842), who had previously worked as a foreman at the shipyard, got a specialist at his side, with whom he returned to shipbuilding could record. Sager belonged to the local council from 1827 to 1830 and to the church council from 1824 to 1833.

Successor as the owner of the Sager shipyard was his son Peter Sager in 1841 . The tombstone of the Sager family is behind the town church Vegesack an der Kirchheide.


  • Sophie Hollanders: Vegesack - Old pictures of a port city. Johann Heinrich Döll-Verlag , Bremen 1984, ISBN 3-88808-016-9 .
  • Peter-Michael Pawlik: From the Weser to the world, the history of the sailing ships from Weser and Lesum and their shipyards 1770 to 1893. Writings of the German Shipping Museum, Volume 33, Ernst Kabel Verlag, Hamburg 1993, ISBN 3-8225-0256-1 .