JE Zacharias

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Factory building by JE Zacharias (before 1900)
Cutting room

JE Zacharias was an Austro-Hungarian court glove factory in Vienna- Nussdorf .


In 1863, JE Zacharias bought the old glove shop S. Scheuchenstuhl in Spiegelgasse in Vienna, thus laying the foundation for one of the largest glove manufacturing companies in Austria .

First it was in the 4th district of Wieden in the Karlsgasse until 1870 , then until 1880 it was in the company's own house in Paniglgasse, also on the Wieden. The business later grew bigger and more profitable. The production site had to be enlarged, which was done by building a large factory and manipulation building in Schleifmühlgasse No. 4. The company grew rapidly. The five detailed defeats built in Vienna at Palais Equitable on Seilergasse, Kohlmarkt , Tuchlauben, Schleifmühlgasse on Wieden and Mariahilfer Straße 31 contributed to the success .

An important suturing factor of its own in the country was added, which at the end of 1890 employed over 300 women workers and brought in wages of 50,000 to 60,000 florins in the area through annual payments  .

The products gained a good reputation and the company grew steadily. The processing and preparation of the raw hides to make the gloves was done in-house. For the first time, a type of tanning of high quality raw hides, for example lamb and kidskins of Italian and French origin, was introduced in Austria , which was then unknown in the country . The factory was expanded to make room for the tannery and dye works . The facility in Schleifmühlgasse was insufficient and the decision was made to build a new plant due to the need for pure water, to set up the steam plant, etc. and to move it to the periphery of the city near the Danube basin. In 1886, in the suburb of Nussdorf, which was the most favorable for the purposes, a generous factory was built within a year for the entire production of leather and gloves.


The new building on the corner of Boschstraße 62 / Bachofengasse 8 was three-story with large floor and cellar rooms. It contained sprawling manipulation, factory and magazine halls and was equipped with the most modern technical equipment and machines for efficient steam locomotives equipped to glove leather tanning, dyeing and to glove manufacture. Our own dynamo machines provided electrical lighting. The factory was provided with steam heating and water pipes and offered space for around 200 workers.

At the end of 1890, the factory was processing an average of 5,000 to 6,000 tanned and dyed glove skins per week, from which around 8,000 to 10,000 pairs of gloves were made in a wide variety of lengths, features and designs.

kuk purveyor to the court

The company's customers came from all over the world. In addition to Austria and other European countries, the company delivered in particular to the Orient , North and South Africa , Australia , East India and others. In all major exhibitions in recent decades, the company was honorably diplomas , gold and commemorative medals awarded.

Even before 1900, customers included members of the imperial family. The company owner was built by Emperor Franz Joseph I to the imperial court-glove supplier nominated and received the imperial right, double-headed eagle on up to.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ JE Zacharias . In: Presented by the industrialists of Austria under the high protectorate of His K. and K. Highness of the Most Serene Archduke Franz Ferdinand (ed.): Die Gross-Industrie Oesterreichs . Festival ceremony for the glorious fiftieth anniversary of the reign of His Majesty the Emperor Franz Josef I. Volume 4 . Leopold Weiss, Vienna 1898, X. Garment Industry, p. 432-433 .
  2. Local change! The defeat of the world-famous Imperial and Royal Court glove factory of JE Zacharias, which has existed for 20 years on Wieden IV. Bez., Schleifmühlgasse No. 4, has been located since February d. J. at Mariahilferstrasse 31, which we draw our readers' attention to . ( Article  in:  Neue Freie Presse , March 6, 1898, p. 5 (online at ANNO ). Template: ANNO / Maintenance / nfp).

Coordinates: 48 ° 15 ′ 24.5 "  N , 16 ° 22 ′ 5.6"  E