YES zenchu

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The JA Building in Tokyo, the headquarters of JA-ZENCHU's headquarters (center).

Zenkoku Nōgyō Kyōdō Kumiai Chūōkai ( Japanese 全国 農業 協同 組合 中央 会 , English Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives ), short JA Zenchū ( JA 全 中 , spelling JA-ZENCHU ), is the central organization for the administration of the cooperative sector of Japanese agriculture. This is commonly referred to as Nōkyō ( 農 協 ) or JA Group ( JA グ ル ー プ ), JA stands for Japan Agricultural Co-operatives .

The tasks of JA Zenchū in the JA Group are more of a fundamental nature: improvement of working and living conditions, management consulting, organizational or tax audits, training, public relations and publications, development of objectives and representation of interests on a political level as well as contact with international organizations.

JA Zenchū was founded in 1953 and replaced a predecessor organization in the International Federation of Cooperatives the following year . JA Zenchū was originally under the control of the Ministry of Agriculture . In the early days, the corporation was heavily involved in defending Japanese agriculture against cheaper foreign products by establishing and maintaining various trade barriers and state price support. As a result, she repeatedly came into conflict with organizations such as the Association of Japanese Business Organizations , which advocated market liberalization and low food prices. Politically, it was traditionally mostly close to the LDP party, which had ruled for decades . However, when the government made concessions on imports of oranges and meat under pressure from the United States in 1988, this affection began to falter. Some cooperatives threatened to support the opposition Socialist Party , which had made protectionism a major issue in their election campaign.

Since 2002, JA Zenchū is an independent body in the legal form of a "special legal person of private law" ( 特別 民間 法人 , Tokubetsu Minkan Hōjin ).

Other organizations in the JA Group

  • Zennō , covers the operational economic aspects, in particular the procurement of operating resources and raw materials as well as the marketing of the products
  • Zenkyōren (also JA Kyōsai ) offers mutual insurance
  • JA Zenkōren , health care and hospital operations in rural areas
  • Nōrin Chūō Kinko , bank

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