Jacques Pohl (Romanist)

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Jacques Pohl (born April 2, 1909 in Saint-Ghislain , † December 18, 1993 in Forest / Vorst ) was a Belgian Romance scholar and linguist.

life and work

Pohl studied at the Université libre de Bruxelles and graduated in 1935 in Romance philology. From 1937 he was a high school teacher in Ath , but was dismissed by the German occupiers in 1942. He worked in the Resistance and worked scientifically. In 1945 he became a high school teacher in Ixelles . In 1950 he received his doctorate with the thesis Témoignages sur les parlers français de Belgique (unprinted). In 1960 he became an associate professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles . He has also taught at the University of Élisabethville / Lubumbashi, in Israel (Jerusalem) and at the Institut supérieur de traducteurs et d'interprètes de Bruxelles (ISTI).

Pohl was politically committed to the Walloon cause and became a senator in 1968.


  • Forme et Pensée. Esquisse d'une Grammaire française fonctionnelle, Paris / Namur 1958
  • Témoignages sur la syntaxe du verbe dans quelques parlers français de Belgique, Brussels 1962
  • Encyclopédie de la philologie romane, partie linguistique. Notes bibliographiques (together with Louis Mourin ), 3rd edition together with Liliane De Ryck-Tasmowski, Brussels 1967, 4th edition udT Bibliographie de linguistique romane, Brussels 1971
  • Symboles et langages, tome I: Le symbole, clef de l'humain; tome II: La diversité des langages, Paris / Bruxelles 1968, Amiens 1969
  • L'homme et le signifiant, Paris / Bruxelles 1972
  • The regional variétés du français. Etudes belges (1945–1977), Bruxelles 1979
  • Belgicismes. Inventaire des particularités lexicales du français en Belgique (together with Willy Bal , Albert Doppagne, André Goosse , Michèle Lenoble-Pinson and Léon Warnant ), Louvain-la-Neuve 1994


  • Linguistique romane et linguistique française. Hommages à Jacques Pohl, ed. by Marc Dominicy and Marc Wilmet, Brussels 1980 (therein: Marc Dominicy and Thomas Gergely: Bibliographie des travaux scientifiques et didactiques de Jacques Pohl, pp. 9–19)

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