Jade Puget

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Jade Puget (2009)

Jade Errol Puget (born November 28, 1973 ) is an American guitarist.

He is a member of the band AFI . Before joining AFI in 1998, he played in several other bands such as Loose hange or Redemption 87 . he is also a member of the band Blaqk Audio .

The first album he recorded with AFI was Black Sails in the Sunset (1999). It was followed by The Art of Drowning (2000), Sing The Sorrow (2003), December Underground (2006), Crash Love (2009) and the latest album Burials (2013).

Mostly he plays a Gibson Les Paul , but for solos etc. he also uses a Fender Stratocaster , at least in the studio .

Jade, unlike the rest of the band, graduated from college successfully and has a degree in social science from the University of Berkeley CA. Furthermore, he is a vegetarian and rejects drug use ( straight edge ).