Jakob Tschernorisez

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Legend of Boris and Gleb, New Year's Eve book, 14th century

Jakob Tschernorisez or Jakob the Monk ( Russian Иаков Черноризец, Мних Иаков ) was the author of texts about Vladimir the saints , Boris and Gleb and Isjaslav in the second half of the 11th century.


Chernorisez meant wearer of a monk's robe and was the old Russian name for monk .


The following works are attributed to Jakob Tschernorisez:

  • Story about Saints Boris and Gleb - Сказание о святых страстотерпцах Борисе и Глебе
  • The life of the holy Prince Vladimir - Житие блаж. кн. Владимира
  • Commemoration of the Russian prince Vladimir, how Vladimir was baptized and his children were baptized and the whole Russian earth from one end to the other end and how the grandmother of Vladimir Olga was baptized before Vladimir - Память и похвала русскому князаюаскому кнузаскоскос Владимеке Владимер и дети своя крести и всю землю Русскую от конца и до конца, и како крести исржержела .Вастися бабка .Вастися бабка
  • The mission to God from Dmitri (Isjaslav) - Послание к Божию слузе Дмитрию

Jakob may also have been the author of an Old Russian translation of the

  • Rule of St John's Prayer - Правила молитвы Иоанна

These texts are important monuments of Old Russian literature . They are the oldest surviving accounts of events in the 10th and 11th centuries in the Kievan Rus in Old Russian and were an important model for the Nestor Chronicle .

Some details contradict the representations of other chronicles. For example, in Jakob Chernorisez, Vladimir was baptized before his march to Chersonesos and Constantinople. The other Old Russian and Arabic sources unanimously report that he was baptized in Constantinople.

Therefore, some of Jakob's statements are considered historically uncertain.


There is no further information about the author. The author was contemporary of Boris and Gleb and Isjaslav of Kiev. The texts were probably written in Kiev in the second half of the 11th century. They testify to literary skills and good religious knowledge.

Before 1074 Igumen (Abbot) Feodosij of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra recommended a monk Jacob as his successor. This came from the Alta river (monastery in Pereyaslavl?). It could have been the author of the works.


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  1. cf. Monk Chrabr = Chernorisez Chrabr