Jan Fries (occultist)

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Jan Fries (* before 1985) is a German occultist , neo-shaman , nature and rune magician and author of several books.

Jan Fries coined the term freestyle shamanism , which describes a form of magic that emphasizes trance and closeness to nature, but - instead of roots in a shamanic tradition - similar to chaos magic - is based on individual experience. He names the Zos Kia Cultus , Maat Magick , Kaula- Tantra , Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Daoism as his most important influences .

According to Fries, the basic exercises in magical practice are imagination and visualization . The skills for vision and trance should be developed and the practice of sigil magic , automatic writing, the handling of runes and mandalas and the conjuring of nature and animal spirits are the focus. New in his work include the detailed introduction to the practice of Schütteltrancen (trances and possession disorders associated with physical wavering or trembling or caused by), designing new states of consciousness and innovative practice of runes, Ogham and Yijing - Divination .


In order to appeal to an international audience, Fries' books have all appeared in English first. The German translations have been revised by the author and often supplemented with additional content. All illustrations by the author.

  • Visual magic. A manual of freestyle shamanism . Ananael, Bad Ischl 1995, ISBN 3-901134-06-9 .
  • Helrunar. A manual of runic magic . Ananael, Bad Ischl 1997, ISBN 3-901134-13-1 .
  • Seidward. Shaking trance, boiling magic, snake mysteries . Ananael, Bad Ischl 2004, ISBN 3-901134-19-0 .
  • The cauldron of the gods. Manual of Celtic Magic . Edition Roter Drache, Rudolstadt 2010, ISBN 978-3-939459-28-6 .
  • Kali Kaula. A Handbook of Tantric Magick . Edition Roter Drache, Remda-Teichel 2015, ISBN 978-3-939459-92-7 .

Not yet published in German:

  • Living Midnight. Three Movements of the Tao . Mandrake, Oxford 1998, ISBN 1-869928-50-4 .
  • Nightshades. A Tourist Guide to the Nightside . Mandrake, Oxford 2012, ISBN 978-1-906958-45-9 .
  • Dragon bones. Ritual, Myth and Oracle in Shang Period China . Avalonia, London 2013, ISBN 978-1-905297-62-7 .
  • The Seven Names of Lamastu. A Journey through Mesopotamian Magick and Beyond . Avalonia, London 2017, ISBN 978-1-910191-04-0 .
  • Manasa and Neta. Myth and Magick of East India's Serpent Goddesses . Avalonia, London 2019, ISBN 978-1-910191-14-9 .

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