January Club

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The January Club was a round table founded by Oswald Mosley in 1934 with the aim of gaining establishment support for the British Union of Fascists (BUF) movement .

The club was under the effective control of Robert Forgan , on behalf of the BUF. The founders identified by MI5 were Forgan, Donald Makrill , Francis Yeats-Brown and HW Luttman-Johnson .

Members of the January Club included Sir Louis Greig ; Lord Erskine , a Conservative and Unionist Party MP and Assistant Secretary of Government; Lord William Montagu-Douglas-Scott , brother of the 8th Duke of Buccleuch and also a Conservative and Unionist MP ; and Lord and Lady Russell of Liverpool .

The historian Sir Charles Petrie , initially involved in the club, describes this (and criticizes Mosley's methods) in his short biography A Historian Looks at his World from 1972.


  1. Stephen Dorril , Blackshirt (2006), p. 258.

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