Jari Larinto

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Jari Larinto Ski jumping
nation FinlandFinland Finland
society Lahden Hiihtoseura
National squad since 1979
status resigned
End of career 1980
Ski jumping world cup / A class jumping
 Debut in the World Cup December 30, 1979
 Overall World Cup 88th ( 1979/80 )

Jari Larinto is a former Finnish ski jumper and today's ski jumping trainer.

Jari Larinto competed in a total of five World Cup competitions in the 1979/80 season . His greatest success was a 12th place in his home town of Lahti on March 9, 1980. With the four World Cup points thus won, he finished 88th in the overall World Cup standings together with Hiroyasu Aizawa , Andrzej Kowalski and Babis Babis .

Larinto is now a ski jumping trainer at the Lahden Hiihtoseura club in Lahti , where he trains his son Ville Larinto, among others .

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