Java Advanced Imaging

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The Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) is a platform-independent and powerful collection of methods for image processing and image analysis for the programming language Java by the company Sun Microsystems . With the methods you have the possibility to carry out complex image transformations. The big advantage over Java 2D is the simple and versatile support for the file formats: BMP , GIF , JPEG , PNG , PNM and TIFF .

The JAI takes up little space and is very expandable. The JAI is supplemented by the Java Image I / O API for reading and writing image files.


Free use is possible under the terms of the Java Research License (JRL) or alternatively the Java Advanced Imaging Distribution License (JDL). The JRL is limited to the non-commercial area, so it is not a free license . In contrast, the JDL also allows commercial use. The condition includes, among other things, that modified versions completely pass the compatibility test (Technology Compatibility Kit), which in turn is only available under very restrictive conditions.

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