Jean Morino

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Entrance to the Sanssouci Park, around 1790

Jean Morino († around 1800) was a publisher and bookseller in Berlin . He is with his academic publishing bookstore Jean Morino et Compag. demonstrable between 1786 and 1793, which developed a remarkable productivity. But then his track is lost.

In 1786 his publishing house published a series of 20 etchings from the pen of Johann Georg Rosenberg (1739–1808) with views of streets and squares in Berlin, which is one of the most important works of vedute graphics of the 18th century in Germany. In addition, from 1787 he also published vedute of Prussian possessions .


  • Topographie pittoresque des États Prussiens , Berlin 1787 ff. With hand-colored outline etchings after Johann Friedrich Nagel and JS Knüpfer
    • Sheet X Vue de l'entrée du jardin de Sans-Souci
    • Sheet XXX Vue de Brocken ou de Blocksberg