Jean de Vignay

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Left: King Ludwig IX. visits Vincent de Beauvais while he is working on the Speculum historiale .
Right: Jean de Vignay is visited by Queen Johanna while he is translating the work. Miniature from the 14th century.

Jean de Vignay (* around 1283; † after 1340) was a French translator in the first half of the 14th century. He is known for his translations of Latin works into French .

Vignay probably came from the Bayeux region in Normandy and studied canon law at a college in Paris before joining the Order of the Hospitallers of Saint-Jacques du Haut-Pas near Paris. Its approximately a dozen surviving translations represented popular reading of its time.


  • Le Miroir historial : Translation of the Speculum historiale by the Dominican Vincent of Beauvais . Commissioned work for Queen Johanna (see picture)
  • La Chronique de Primat : Translation of the chronicle of the Benedictine primacy from the Abbey of Saint-Denis , which is particularly the reigns of the kings Louis IX. and Philip III. dedicates.
  • La Légende dorée : translation of the Legenda aurea of the Dominican Jacobus de Voragine .
  • Les Oisivetés des empereurs : translation of the Otia imperialia , a geographical treatise by the Gervais of Tilbury, dedicated to the Emperor Otto IV.
  • Les Enseignements : textbook on the arts of government and war. Originally written in Greek by Theodor Palaiologos , a son of Emperor Andronikos II , and translated into Latin by himself.
  • Le Directoire pour faire le passage en Terre sainte : Translation of the Directorium ad passagium faciendum
  • Le miroir de l'Église : Translation of the Speculum ecclesiae of the Dominican Hugo of Saint-Cher
  • Les Épîtres et Évangiles des dimanches et des fêtes : another commissioned work for Queen Johanna
  • Les Merveilles de la terre d'outremer : Translation of the Itinerarium of the Franciscan Odoric of Pordenone
  • Le Jeu des échecs moralisé : Translation of the Moralisatio super ludum scaccorum by the Dominican Jacobus de Cessoles

The inventory list of the libraries of kings Charles V and Charles VI. (14th and 15th centuries) also recorded a translation of the Alexander Romance, for which Jean de Vignay was responsible. However, this work has been lost to this day.


  • Christine Knowles: Jean de Vignay, un traducteur du xiv e siècle . In: Romania , vol. 75 (1954), pp. 353-383.
  • Mattia Cavagna: Jean de Vignay. Actualities and perspectives . In: Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes , Vol. 27 (2014), pp. 141–149 ( online ).

Web link

Commons : Jean de Vignay  - collection of images, videos and audio files