Jerusalem (Achim von Arnim)

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Title: Jerusalem
Genus: A pilgrimage adventure
Original language: German
Author: Achim von Arnim
Publishing year: 1811
Place and time of the action: Jerusalem
  • Ahasuerus
  • Cardenio
  • Baron Viruses
  • Olympics
  • Lysander
  • Celinde
  • Sidney
  • Bromly
  • and other

Jerusalem is the second half of Achim von Arnim's double drama Halle and Jerusalem , which appeared in print in 1811. The main characters from the first part , set in Halle , went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and are looking for redemption. The concept of the characters changes: “The 'Jerusalem' part of the drama no longer recognizes characters with psychological plausibility and depth of reality”.


The Jerusalem part consists of 13 scenes:

The serious appearance

The scene of Christ's crucifixion serves as the opening: Christ on the cross, the two thieves next to him, plus a scribe.

The pilgrims on the sea

On the crossing to Jerusalem, the ship on which Ahasverus, Cardenio and Celinde, as well as some shipmen and other pilgrims are, gets caught in a storm. To make it easier, there is advice on what to do. Ahasuerus offers to go overboard and is immediately taken at his word. Cardenio tries to stand in front of him, but as a result all three - Ahasuerus, Cardenio, Celinde - are thrown overboard. The storm subsides. But then a ship appears under the English flag heading for the pilgrim ship. Some British board the ship, Lysander is also there. He's looking for his friends because he has news. He insinuates that Cardenio is his wife's brother, i.e. Olympie, and thus his brother-in-law. But since he does not meet her on the pilgrimage ship, he must assume that Cardenio drowned.

Baptism on the sea

Olympie is also disguised as a maid on board the English ship. She gave birth to a son who is now to be baptized. The event has another consequence: After Olympie has revealed himself, Bromly turns out to be Olympie's missing brother Giron from the ship's crew. Olympies and Lysander's son is named Sidney after the English captain.

The dead sin child

Cardenio and Celinde survived. They have washed ashore, but where they die of thirst. Celinde now also reveals her secret: She is pregnant and is about to give birth. While Cardenio is looking for water, she gives birth to her child, which, however, does not survive the birth. A “figure” (again the apparition of Olympie's dead mother known from the hall part) takes the “sin child” with him. When Cardenio returns, Celinde tells what happened. They interpret the stillbirth as a divine sign and part of their penance, and at that moment they finally discover a source of water.

The Traveler and the Virgin with the Stork

Three of the Halle students from the first part - the Kümmeltürke, the orphanages and Dienemann - are also in the desert, on their way to the Holy Land. You meet a fabulous giant maiden with a stork. This poses a riddle to the three that only servants can solve, the other two are kicked to death by her according to the stage directions, but get up again shortly afterwards after the apparition has disappeared. The three meet the rich pilgrim and the light puller from aboard the preacher's ship. They don't have much time to get to know each other, they quickly find themselves surrounded by Arabs.

The siege

The attack on Acre is described . Olympie finds itself on the side of the English, observes what is happening and ponders the cruelty of the war. Lysander, injured in the head, comes back from the fight and talks confused. He expresses the wish to move on to Jerusalem with Olympie and their child. When Sidney, Bromly and Baron Virus (who has also fought among the defenders) arrive, they decide to accompany him to the holy city.

The temptations in the desert

Ahasuerus resuscitated the little boy on the beach, who had also gone overboard of the pilgrim ship. The Halle students, the rich pilgrim and the light drawers who pass him are now in the allegiance of a rich lord to whom they owe their freedom. They leave Ahasuerus' food and drink, but at the last moment he resists temptation. Ahasuerus and the boy move on and meet Cardenio and Celinde, who have built two hermitages for themselves and have been atoning for their sins for some time. Cardenio reads the Gregorius legend, which is about incest unknowingly committed and successful penance. Ahasuerus says that they are ripe for Jerusalem, they go together.

The prospect of Jerusalem

Just as they see the city in the distance, Ahasuerus confesses to be Cardenio's father: "You are my son, created by me in wicked violence at this point". Cardenio's mother is also Olympie's mother, who appeared in ghostly form both at the end of the Halle part of the double drama and now and, for example, also took Celinde's dead son to her, as she reports. Cardenio's mother was "a Greek pilgrim to the holy grave", named Anthea. After Cardenio's forcible conception, they went to Georgia together as husband and wife to live with a dispersed Jewish community. The mother was abducted by the Russians during the war. Ahasuerus looked for her, but found her only after her death. In the meantime Anthea had fathered three more children with another man, who had ransomed her from the Cossacks: Olympie, Baron Virus and Giron Bromly. Ahasuerus accepted the Christian faith as part of his debt settlement.

The harem of the Pasha of Jerusalem

The pasha is just bringing Olympia from the nunnery to the harem when Sidney, Baron Virus, Bromly and other Englishmen appear. They can convince the pasha to hand them back Olympia.

The nunnery in Jerusalem

Lysander has since succumbed to his injuries, Olympie is heartbroken. Both sons are looked after by the nuns. Sidney appears and tells the abbess that Lysander recommended Olympia to him on his deathbed. He asks for Olympie's hand.

The three old men in Jerusalem

At night three mysterious old men meet at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher . They discuss Sidney's interest in the Olympics, saying he "turned backwards". One of the ancients stated that he wanted to "appear comforting to him". The three step down. Shortly afterwards Ahasuerus, Cardenio and Celinde arrive there. Ahasuerus knows that his hour has come, he is dying.

The night in the inn in Jerusalem

In a forge, Baron Virus, Bromly and a traveler are talking. The passing Cardenio and Celinde, who ask for admission, are not recognized by them and are turned away.

The accolade on the holy grave

Early in the morning in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. One of the old people, who is also the guardian of the monastery, speaks to Sidney. Then Olympie appears. She wants to stay in the monastery and serve. She hands her child over to Sidney to raise. Cardenio and Celinde are weakened by the exertion. Celinde does not get the stormy crowd in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, she dies blissfully shortly after she has met Baron Virus again. Now the half-siblings Cardenio and Olympie finally meet. The fact that the incest did not occur is thanks to the “shape”, the appearance of Olympie's dead mother, which prevented it. Now she appears again and takes the dying Cardenio to her, they disappear into the open holy grave. Sidney, Bromly and Baron Virus agree to become crusaders. Those present mourn Lysander, Olympie and Cardenio again. A “voice from the holy grave”, Christ himself, encourages them. All are reconciled and have atoned for, those who are still alive have actively committed themselves to Christianity. The piece ends with the verses of the "poet":

Creation shows itself in transformation,
seriousness turns into play,
this is the word's goal, but
life's goal is action.


Individual evidence

  1. Ulfert Ricklefs: 'Ahasvers Son'. Arnim's city drama “Halle and Jerusalem”. In: Universal drafts - integration - retreat: Arnim's time in Berlin (1809–1814). Wiepersdorfer Colloquium of the International Arnim Society. Edited by Ulfert Ricklefs. Tübingen: Niemeyer 2000. pp. 143–244, here p. 234.