Hall and Jerusalem

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Title: Hall and Jerusalem
Genus: Double drama
Original language: German
Author: Achim von Arnim
Publishing year: 1811
Place and time of the action: Hall and Jerusalem .
  • Ahasuerus , a traveling old Jew
  • Cardenio , a young lecturer
  • Pamphilio , student and poet, Cardenio's friend
  • Baron Viruses , Professor of Law
  • Olympie , his sister
  • Lysander
  • Celinde , daughter of War Councilor Tyche
  • Sidney , captain of an English ship
  • Bromly
  • and other

Halle und Jerusalem is a double drama by Achim von Arnim that appeared in print in 1811. The first part takes place in the university city of Halle , the second part describes a pilgrimage to Jerusalem . The dialogues of the play is in prose, but iambic durchrhythmisiert, Arnim called this technique the "indefinite Jambenzeile".

Hall. A student game in three acts

The plot of the first part is essentially taken from Andreas Gryphius ' tragedy Cardenio und Celinde (1657), but moved to Halle. Arnim's variant, however, differs from the tragedy model in that he incorporates parodic episodes.

Jerusalem. A pilgrimage adventure

The feeling of having sinned took hold of several characters towards the end of the first part. Originally, only Cardenio and Celinde, wanted for murder, wanted to make their way to Jerusalem. But on the way there and at the end in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher , all the main characters of the first part meet again. Jerusalem follows a different figure concept than Halle , the plot is exaggerated into parabolic and religious.



  • Friedrich Schönemann : L. Achim von Arnim's intellectual development. Explained in his drama “Halle and Jerusalem”. Leipzig 1912. (Reprint Hildesheim: Gerstenberg 1977.)
  • Heinz Wolff: The dramas "Halle and Jerusalem" and "Die Gleichen" in the context of the religious development of Ludwig Achim von Arnim. Göttingen, Phil. Diss. 1936.
  • Roger Paulin: Gryphius' Cardenio and Celinde and Arnim's Hall and Jerusalem. A comparative study. Tübingen: Niemeyer 1968.
  • Ulfert Ricklefs: 'Ahasver's son'. Arnim's city drama “Halle and Jerusalem”. In: Universal drafts - integration - retreat: Arnim's time in Berlin (1809–1814). Wiepersdorfer Colloquium of the International Arnim Society. Edited by Ulfert Ricklefs. Tübingen: Niemeyer 2000. pp. 143-244. ( doi: 10.1515 / 9783110956016.143 )