Jiri Scherer

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Jiri Scherer (born December 17, 1970 in Lucerne ) is a Swiss non-fiction author , entrepreneur, trainer and speaker.


After Jiri Scherer's degree in business administration, he worked as a management consultant and communications consultant until he founded Denkmotor GmbH in 2005 together with Chris Brügger . In 2007 he completed the Master of Advanced Studies in Innovation Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich. Today he is visiting lecturer at various universities and the University of Bern .

Activity as an author

Jiri Scherer's publications are related to three core themes: creativity , innovation and simplicity.

His book Simplicity. Principle of Simplicity has also appeared in Hungarian and English. And the book Thinking Engine has been translated into Mandarin.


Jiri Scherer

  • Ideas box. Finding, evaluating and implementing ideas , Sauerländer Verlage AG, Wollerau 2003. ISBN 978-3-0345-0069-2 .

Jiri Scherer, Chris Brügger

  • Thought engine. Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it is the only one , GABAL Verlag, Offenbach 2014. ISBN 978-3-86936-597-8 .
  • Innovation management for service companies: A practical guide, BoD 2008, ISBN 978-3-8334-8655-5 .
  • Creativity techniques. Find, evaluate, and implement ideas in 10 steps , GABAL Verlag, Offenbach 2007. ISBN 978-3-89749-736-8 .

Jiri Scherer, Chris Brügger, Michael Hartschen

  • Innovation management. The 6 phases from the idea to implementation , GABAL Verlag, Offenbach 2009. ISBN 978-3-86936-015-7 .
  • Simplicity. Strong strategies for simple products, services and processes , GABAL Verlag, Offenbach 201. ISBN 978-3-86936-245-8 .

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