Joachim Maruhn

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Joachim Alexander Maruhn (born May 15, 1949 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German theoretical nuclear physicist. He is a professor at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main .

Maruhn received his doctorate in 1973 under Walter Greiner at the University of Frankfurt ( dynamic treatment of mass asymmetry in nuclear fission using the two-center shell model ). With his teacher Greiner he wrote a textbook on theoretical nuclear physics.

Recently, he has been working on core structure calculations for exotic nuclei and super-heavy elements (whereby the simulations revealed a bubble structure), time-dependent Hartree-Fock methods in nuclear physics and modeling of the plasmas that arise when targets are irradiated with high-power lasers and heavy ion beams (for example in nuclear fusion experiments).


  • with Walter Greiner Theoretical Physics, Volume 11: Core Models , Harri Deutsch 1995
    • English edition Nuclear Models , Springer Verlag 1996
  • with Paul-Gerhard Reinhard, Eric Suraud Simpel models of many fermion systems , Springer Verlag 2010
  • with D. Troltenier, PO Hess Numerical application of the Geometric Collective Model , in K. Langanke, JA Maruhn, SE Koonin (Eds.) Computational Nuclear Physics 1: Nuclear Structure , Springer Verlag 1991
  • with SE Koonin The Time-Dependent Hartree Fock Approximation for Nuclear Slabs , in Langanke, Maruhn, Koonin (Eds.) Computational Nuclear Physics 2: Nuclear Reactions , Springer Verlag 1993
  • Editor with Karlheinz Langanke , Steven Koonin : Computational Nuclear Physics . Vol. 1, 2, Springer Verlag 1991, 1993 (therein by Maruhn in volume 1 with D. Troltenier, PO Hess, Numerical application of geometric collective model, in volume 2 with S. Koonin: The time dependent Hartree Fock approximation for nuclear slabs )

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