Joachim Weinhold

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Joachim Weinhold (born June 11, 1931 in Berlin , † July 10, 1962 in Oschersleben ) was a fatality on the inner-German border .


Joachim Weinhold was studying business administration at the Georg-August University in Göttingen when he set out on the train for West Berlin on July 7, 1962 . For unknown reasons, he left the train in Magdeburg and asked to be admitted to the GDR. He was brought to the Helmstedt-Marienborn border crossing . Since the GDR authorities showed no interest in being admitted, he was deported back to the Federal Republic on July 8th. On the morning of July 9th, he hid on a Western Allied military train, crossed the border and jumped off the train 40 meters beyond the border. This was noticed by border guards who called him and fired a warning shot. When Weinhold then fled towards the border, he was targeted and seriously injured. He died on July 10th in the Neindorf-Oschersleben hospital.

The case against the shooter was discontinued in 1997 because he had "acted according to orders".

Web links

  • Joachim Weinhold on the website of the SED State Research Association of the Free University of Berlin