Johann Gottfried Niedlich

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Queen Luise

Johann Gottfried Niedlich (born September 5, 1766 in Berlin ; † August 12, 1837 there ) was a Berlin painter, draftsman and art teacher.

Niedlich studied at the Prussian Academy of Arts in Berlin with Bernhard Rode and Johann Christoph Frisch . In 1789 he was employed as a teacher at the local drawing school.

He spent the years from 1795 to 1800 in Italy. Then he returned home to Berlin.

In 1801, Niedlich was appointed professor and member of the Senate of the Academy of Arts, and since 1821 has been in charge of drawing lessons. His students included u. a. Eduard Daege , Carl Georg Enslen , Friedrich Jentzen , Carl Friedrich Hampe and Theodor Hildebrandt .

In addition to his work as a teacher, he created several oil paintings in the years 1800–1824, mostly depictions from Greek mythology. In 1802, Niedlich created ceiling paintings in the Potsdam City Palace . During the reconstruction of burned-out rooms in the Berlin National Theater , Niedlich created allegorical wall paintings in 1818.

Johann Gottfried Niedlich died a few weeks before his 71st birthday on August 12, 1837 in Berlin. He was buried in the Trinity Cemetery II on Bergmannstrasse . Its cast-iron grave cross on a base has been preserved and is the oldest tomb of its kind in the cemetery.


  • Sheets for fine art. Edited by Dr. F. Kugler. 5th year, Berlin 1837, p. 277. (Nekrolog von Carl Friedrich Hampe)

Web links

Commons : Johann Gottfried Niedlich  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende : Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 256.