Johann Wember

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Johann Wember MSF (born November 15, 1900 in Dortmund , Germany ; † May 4, 1980 ) was a German clergyman and from 1939 to 1976 the Roman Catholic Vicar of the Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Norway .


Johann Wember joined the Order of Missionaries of the Holy Family and was ordained a priest there on August 8, 1926 .

In 1938 he was appointed superior of the "Sui Iuris" mission of Northern Norway ( Norvegia Settentrionale ). With the elevation of the Mission Sui Iuris of Northern Norway in 1944 to the Apostolic Prefecture he was appointed prefect and with the elevation to the Apostolic Vicariate in 1955 the appointment was made by Pope Pius XII. as Vicar Apostolic of Northern Norway and appointment as Titular Bishop of Vasada . The episcopal ordination on May 15, 1955 donated Jacob Mangers , Bishop of Oslo; Co- consecrators were Gulielmus Cobben , Bishop of Helsinki, and Johann Rüth , Vicar Apostolic of Central Norway.

1976 was his resignation by Paul VI. granted.

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