Johannes Negelin

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Johannes Negelin (* unknown; † presumably 1533 ) was a pedel of the University of Heidelberg . He was also provost of the Schwabenburse in Heidelberg.

Live and act

Johannes Negelin came from Rufach . Little is known about his birth and death dates; he probably died in 1533. He enrolled at the University of Heidelberg on August 26, 1493. On July 3, 1495, he graduated from the artist faculty with the baccalarius artium in the via moderna . As provost of the Schwabenburse, he was called to the pedel of the artists in 1501. He held this office until at least September 1528.

In his role as a pedellist at the university, he took part in the Heidelberg disputation on April 26, 1518, where Martin Luther presented his theologia crucis, among other things . While the Heidelberg disputation as such took place within the framework of a general chapter of the Order of the Augustinian Hermits, the university agreed to the monks' request to hold the disputation in their art school. The Heidelberg disputation received a direct relationship to the university not only because of its location, a lecture hall of the faculty, but above all because of the presence of the pedell Johannes Negelin with the scepter of the university in accordance with the legal symbols of the time.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Cf. Scheible: The University of Heidelberg and Luther's disputation. P. 322f.
  2. a b c d Cf. Scheible: The University of Heidelberg and Luther's disputation. P. 322.
  3. a b cf. Scheible: The University of Heidelberg and Luther's disputation. P. 323.
  4. See Scheible: The University of Heidelberg and Luther's disputation. P. 309.


  • Heinz Scheible: The University of Heidelberg and Luther's disputation. In: Commission for historical regional studies in Baden-Württemberg (Hrsg.): Journal for the history of the Upper Rhine (ZGO), Volume 131, Festgabe Gerd Tellenbach for his 80th birthday. Stuttgart 1983, pp. 309-329.