John V (Jerusalem)

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John V ( bl. 706-735) was the Greek patriarch of Jerusalem . After several generations of vacancy, he was the first patriarch to appear in church politics.

He was an opponent of the Emperor Leo III. who apparently promoted iconoclastic endeavors in the iconoclastic dispute . According to the church writer Theophanes , John contradicted this innovation “together with all the bishops of the East”.

There is conflicting news about the duration of his patriarchy, according to one source it started as early as 704, according to another it only lasted four years.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Moshe Gil: A History of Palestine, 634-1099 . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1997, ISBN 0-521-59984-9 , pp. 456 f . (English, limited preview in Google Book Search - Hebrew: Erets-Yiśra ʼ el ba-teḳufah ha-Muslemit ha-rishonah (634-1099) . Translated by Ethel Broido).