John Brillhart

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John David Brillhart (born November 13, 1930 in Alameda County , California ) is an American mathematician who deals with algorithmic number theory.

Brillhart studied at the University of California, Berkeley , where he obtained his doctorate in 1967 under Derrick Henry Lehmer ( On the Euler and Bernoulli Polynomials ). Until his retirement he was a professor at the University of Arizona .

He dealt among other things with factorization and implemented in 1970 with Michael Morrison continued fraction method (Continued Fraction Factorization CFRAC) originally came from Lehmer, but long remained unnoticed, and thus factored the seventh Fermat . He also worked with Lehmer and John L. Selfridge in the 1960s and 1970s on improving the Lucas test . With Selfridge, Lehmer, Samuel Wagstaff and others he was involved in the Cunningham project (factorization of numbers of the form ± 1 for certain b, which was published in tables).

He is working on the publication of the works of Leonard Carlitz .


  • with JS Lomont "Elliptic Polynomials", Chapman and Hall 2001
  • with Derrick Lehmer, John L. Selfridge, Bryant Tuckerman, Samuel S. Wagstaff: Factorization of ± 1, b = 2,3,5,6,7,10,11,12, up to high powers , American Mathematical Society 1983, 1988, 2002

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Brillhart, Michael Morrison, "A method of factoring and the factorization of, " Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 29, 1975, p. 183