John Pauls

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John Pauls (born February 9, 1908 in Danzig ; † July 4, 1946 there ), also Johann Pauls , was a German SS-Oberscharführer in the Stutthof concentration camp .


John Pauls was the third child of Johann August Pauls and Minna Steingräber. After his training as a bridge builder and further training as a bridge master, he worked as a Senate worker for the Free City of Danzig. On March 25, 1933, he married 19-year-old Lina Johanna Oelsner in Danzig. From this marriage there were eight children.

Gerda Steinhoff and John Pauls after their execution on July 4, 1946
Biskupia Gorka executions - 9 - Kapo, Pauls, Steinhoff (left to right) .jpg

During the first Stutthof process John Paul was to death by the strand convicted and on the Bishop Mountain near Gdansk in the presence of about 40,000 onlookers executed . He was accused of his misconduct as an employee in the SS building administration of KL Stutthof. As the operator in the so-called “forest column”, he is said to have treated the camp inmates inhumanely for the preparatory work (clearing of forest areas) to expand the storage area.

Political career

Joined the NSDAP in the Free City of Danzig on April 1, 1931, at the same time he joined the SS. From July 21, 1939 to October 31, 1941, he served in the police force in the reserve. From November 1, 1941 to March 11, 1943 he was assigned to the Waffen-SS (infantry, guard duty) as an SS rifleman in the reserve.

After a trial by Bartsch against Pauls, John Pauls was transferred to the SS-Totenkopfsturmbann in Sachsenhausen concentration camp in April 1943 . As an SS-Oberscharführer he is said to have been employed in the security team of KL Stutthof until the end of the war in 1945.



  • Stutthof concentration camp, commandant's report from July 26, 1943
  • Stutthof concentration camp, copy of the master card, SS-Stammabteilung North-East, Pauls, John 8839