Joris Van Wezemael

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Joris Ernest Van Wezemael (* 1973 in Lucerne ) is a Swiss-Belgian economic geographer, planning scientist and architectural sociologist.


Van Wezemael worked as head of the ETH Wohnforum / ETH CASE (Center for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment). Between 2009 and 2012 he was Associate Professor for Urban Geography and Spatial Development at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Freiburg i.Ü. active. Since 2009 he has held a Venia Legendi for the field of sociology of architecture at the architecture department of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. In addition to teaching, he worked as a portfolio manager at Pensimo. Van Wezemael served as managing director of the SIA ; but after a short time he separated from Van Wezemael.

In 2019 he was appointed Executive-in-Residence and Co-Head of Spatial Transformation Laboratories STL in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at ETH Zurich. In 2019 he became co-owner and partner of IVO interior development, which specializes in spatial transformations.

At the center of his research and teaching activities is the metamorphosis of urban landscapes, which he discusses as part of a research logic inspired by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari and examines it with the help of big data. With his scientific contributions he has contributed to post-structuralist conceptions of collective decision-making in spatial planning and urban development. His introduction of the "assemblage theory" into the planning literature should be mentioned as a theoretical contribution. He empirically studies planning processes in Switzerland, Northern Europe, the United Kingdom, Greece and South America.

Van Wezemael is the author of articles on housing, spatial research and planning theory. He lives and works in Zurich .

Publications (selection)

  • Van Wezemael, Joris (2019): Chance competition. Complex magazine.
  • Van Wezemael, Joris (2010): Between urban planning and site development: Governance settings as a challenge for planning. Location 2/2010.
  • Van Wezemael, Joris (2009): Housing Studies: Between Romantic and Baroque Complexity. Housing, Theory and Society 26/2, 81 - 121.
  • Van Wezemael, Joris Ernest (2008) The contribution of assemblage theory and minor politics for democratic network governance. Planning Theory, 7, 165-185.
  • Van Wezemael, Joris Ernest (2005): Investing in Stock. An action theory analysis of the maintenance and development strategies of residential construction investors in Switzerland. Publication of the East Swiss Geographical Society. (OGG, St. Gallen).

As editor (selection)

  • Höpflinger, François, Joris van Wezemael (2014): Age Report III. Living at an advanced age. Basics and trends. Seismo Verlag, Zurich.
  • De Roo, Gert; Hillier, Jean; Van Wezemael, Joris Ernest (2012): Complexity and Planning: Systems, Assemblages and Simulations. Adelshot: Ashgate.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Daniel Gerny: At the architecture and engineering association SIA there is fire in the roof | NZZ . In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . ( [accessed on May 31, 2020]).