José Antonio Quiroga Chinchilla

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José Antonio Quiroga Chinchilla (born June 13, 1898 in Cochabamba , † October 29, 1968 ibid) was a Bolivian politician.


José Antonio Quiroga Chinchilla was the son of Juana Quiroga Chinchilla and Adolfo Morales Villarroel and grew up in the household of Daniel Salamanca Urey's family .

He was from 1931 to 1935 MP for the constituency of Quillacollo . He headed the Empresa de Luz y Fuerza Eléctrica Cochabamba SA (ELFEC).

He married Elena Santa Cruz, their children were Alfonso, Norah, Mario, Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz and Orlando.

He became Ministro de Guerra y Colonización (Minister of War and Colonization) in 1933 , while Zacarías Benavides was Ministro de Defensa nacional ( Minister of Defense ).

He advised the government and the general staff after the Segunda batalla de Alihuatá (second battle of Alihuatá from October 23 to December 11, 1933). In 1934 he was appointed Ministro de Gobierno, an office which he also held under José Luis Tejada Sorzanoals. He was retired after the Chaco War .

From 1943 to 1947 he was employed in the management of Simón I. Patiño in La Paz . José Antonio Quiroga Chinchilla warned Victor Manuel Andrade Uzquiano in 1943 that he would be released from the Caja de Seguro y Ahorro Obrero if the government failed to provide assistance in the case of the Catavi massacre . He died of a myocardial infarction .


  • The internal politics in the primer period of the war. La Paz 1932

Individual evidence

  1. The ten largest shareholders of Empresa de Luz y Fuerza Eléctrica Cochabamba SA were: Simón I. Patiño , Luis Sierra Galvarro, Alberto Wunsch, José Antonio Quiroga, Alicia D'Arlach viuda de Blanco Galindo, José Espada, Rafael Urquidi, Federico Rocha, Ricardo Ayala and Elena Santa Cruz de Quiroga, the first had 30,006 shares and the last had 200 shares.
  2. Hugo Roda, Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz: 1969–1977 , p. 105
predecessor Office successor
Enrique Hertzog Gazaizabal Ministro de Guerra y Colonización
1933 to 1934
Enrique Baldivieso
April 1932: Enrique Hertzog Gazaizabal Interior Minister of Bolivia
Elías Belmonte Pabón
  1. Page no longer available , search in web archives: Enrique Hertzog Gazaizabal (PDF; 204 kB)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /