Josef Oberbach

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Josef Oberbach (born August 26, 1908 in Paderborn ; † January 2003 ) was a radiesthetist , author and inventor. He also called himself a "bioplasma researcher". Oberbach did his doctorate in art history at the University of Münster and, according to his own statements, studied newspaper science, medicine, education, art history and archeology. Some of his curious inventions were implemented in products that are sold by his company Bioplasma GmbH in Biessenhofen (Ostallgäu). Its best-known development is the Biotensor , a one-handed divining rod .


  • Biotensor . With this one-handed dowsing rod, "bioplasma diagnoses" are to be made on patients. According to the company Bioplasma, this diagnosis "differs from the usual anamnesis by doctors, who are often confused by the patient in reports of illnesses." The terms tensor and biotensor are common property in esoteric circles , but they are protected word marks of Bioplasma GmbH. In 2005, for example, the company Bioplasma issued a warning to the RGS publishing house from St. Gallen, publisher of the Swiss Journal for Radiesthesia, Radionics, Geopathy and Radiation Biology , for using the term biotensor . At the beginning of the 1980s, Oberbach tried several times to have the Biotensor patented. At times the "one-handed test rod" was protected as a utility model.
  • Oberbachium . The company Bioplasma announces that this is "a previously unknown element, without which all functions in the sick organism cannot be guaranteed either by day or by night." It is sold as a dietary supplement in tablet form and is manufactured by Nestmann Pharma GmbH. These are yeast tablets similar to those offered by other manufacturers. Oberbach had "in tireless research work documented the existence of further elements, namely the elements No. 1 to 146 for humans as well as No. 147 to 183 for plants and No. 184 to 279 for animals and verified them according to his methods." The "element" Oberbachium has the number 146 in this system.
  • O-Paser . A cardboard tube with a plastic stick inside. The purpose of the arrangement is to "absorb" "the innumerable invisible radioactive radiation emissions from transmitting and receiving systems for radio, TV, telephone and satellite".
  • Plant growth laser (PWL) . Oberbach's contribution to the grid systems important in radiesthesia such as global grids or Hartmann grids and Curry grids . The PWL has a mesh size of 10 m × 10 m and would move up to 2 m in the dark. It has a negative impact on health and could enter into an unspecified "connection" with other grids, especially with the Hartmann grid.
  • PWL ceiling tarpaulin . Another grid, one that gives off "radon radiation"
  • PWL emitter . A box that should prevent negative influences of the PWL and of "radon-uranium quanta of the earth and atomic electricity"
  • Radiation protection blanket AFOnova . This ceiling can be used "with the vertical grid systems GNG, WA, VW and CN", but not "with artificially generated electro-magnetic radiation".


A selection of book titles by Josef Oberbach:

  • Fire of life. Your bioplasma. The miraculous power of man . DBF-Verlag, Grünwald, 1980 (several new editions until 2004)
  • Cosmo energy. Bio-energy. Bioplasm. Current research results and textbook. Man and his "radiant living space" . DBF-Verlag, Grünwald, 1980

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  1. ^ Oberbach, Josef: Dance and dance movement in the visual arts of the Middle Ages. 1940
  2. Bioplasma Vertriebs- und Verlags-GmbH Dr. Josef Oberbach, Gewerbepark 6, D-87640 Biessenhofen.
  3. DE 3027367 A1: One-hand test rod. Filing date: July 18, 1980 (application expired in 1987)
  4. DE 3232041 A1: One-handed test rod. Filing date: August 27, 1982 (1987 application expired)
  5. DE 8224305 U1: One-handed test rod. Filing date: August 27, 1982 (property right expired in 1988)